ACCOUNTS – bank reconciliations!

I have now added bank and credit card reconciliation capabilities to ACCOUNTS, in version 0.26. You can get it as usual via Tools -> Check for Updates, or from the page.

Let me know what you think!

I have not yet added any reconciliation reports. Personally I have never felt the need for them. (In ACCOUNTS, you can always go back into the reconciliation windows to see what is not yet reconciled.) If people could let me know if they feel such reports are important, I’d appreciate that. (I will almost certainly add them eventually, the question is the priority I should assign to that.)

Thank you.

6 thoughts on “ACCOUNTS – bank reconciliations!

  1. Hello Dan:

    Have not gone into program to check what you added. Just received your email.

    I currently use Quick Books. When I do bank reconciliation, it brings up screen with all my deposits and payments and I check off each one verifying with my records.

    When complete, I check continue and it reconciles and then asks me if I want to print the reports. I click yes, and 2 reports are printed.

    Hope that helps. As for priority, if I were using, would need by end of first month when I would be reconciling.


    Al & Audrey Saunders

    [I have edit this to remove your contact info, Audrey, which doesn’t need to be on a public blog.]

  2. Hi – I am required to attach a reconciliation report to the bank and credit card statements each month so the boss knows when he riffling through the files, that it’s done and balanced.

  3. I feel it is very important to print a reconciliation report to be able to attach it to the bank statements. It need only include the basic opening & closing & the unreconciled cheques listed.

    Would also be nice to be able to go back to change the bank closing balance without losing what has been reconciled.

    Victor Boese

    Boese Computing

    [I have edit this to remove your contact info, Victor, which doesn’t need to be on a public blog.]

    • Thanks, Victor. While I haven’t currently put in an option to change the bank closing balance WHILE you are doing the reconciliation, you can save your work (with the Finish button) when it isn’t yet balanced, then go back into the reconcilation process again, enter your corrected bank closing balance, and all of your previously reconciled transactions will still show as reconciled. (I tried to explain this in the Help.) You’d use the same process if you noticed a missing transaction that you still had to add, etc.

  4. Dan, In the past I have been required to have printed reconciliation reports to match bank statements for the auditors. My reports always posted the date printed on the bottom so that it was a specific reference date. Catches those who are tardy in reconciling – not always one of bookkeepers favorite tasks. Thanks, Beth __________________________________________ Beth Teeter 6570 Woodbury Pike, Roaring Spring, PA 16673 Home: 814-954-0680

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